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2018 Election Results Announced for 30 Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneurs in the U.S. Under 30 Years
中新网3月20日电 据全美中华青年联合会网站消息,在全美华裔青年和留学生创业圈中最具影响力的年度华裔“30位30岁以下优秀创业者”(AACYF 30 under 30)评选,历时近3个月,从近900名优秀候选人中评选出31位来自不同行业领域的30岁以下杰出创业者,2018年...


华裔新生代英雄联盟 2018年度全美30岁以下创业精英榜单
全球唯一面对华裔和留学生举办的“全美华裔30岁以下优秀创业者( AACYF 30 under 30)评选”活动,从1月份开始接受提名、初选,并经过评委会直接和候选人的沟通、访谈,3月19日在洛杉矶如期公布评选出的2018年度获奖者名单。名单揭晓后,全球数十家知名媒体以及当地...

AACYF 30 under 30 list releases, Class of 2018
“AACYF 30 under 30” 2018 list was released by the All America Chinese Youth Federation, LAPOST, Chinese American Institute for Public...

The magic of asking meaningful questions
(The secret to connecting with others and making yourself memorable) ---" Yingying, if you are about to die, what is the thing that you...

Cross-cultural Billionaire
When Carlos Wizard was 12 years old he started learning English with American missionaries in Brazil. At age 17 he arrived in New York...

在硅谷有这样一些女性,用女强人称呼她们,或许不太准确,这并不是因为她们不够优秀干练,而是由于虽然她们在职场上成绩斐然,睿智勤勉,却并没有带着侵略性的锋芒毕露,而是如水般的从容淡定。 作为精美与实用集于一体的硅谷当红联合办公OnePiece,不仅办公环境精致,而且在此出入的各...

Lessons from Female Founders
The community of female founders is relatively small, with women making up just 17% of startup founders today. To ensure the growth and...

What I learned from Melinda Gates
At the beginning of 2017, I had the tremendous privilege of interviewing Ms. Melinda Gates at her private office near Seattle. Being...

The Ultimate Implication about LinkedIn China's PR & Business Strategies
This case study research has examined the public relations practice of LinkedIn China and its sub-brand Chitu to determine whether the...

How does "Guanxi" culture influence LinkedIn China's relationship management strategie
As has been mentioned in my former blogs, many internet companies fail in China because of not establishing relationship cultivation...

With Which Stakeholders Does LinkedIn China Cultivate Relationships
Although LinkedIn, a social networking giant is a well-recognized brand worldwide, it has encountered potentially daunting challenges...
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